Benjamin Patocka, 1927

Benjamin Patocka, 1927


Beautiful master violin by Benjamin Patocka made in 1927. The violin inspired by Guarnerius' model is one of his later works (the label reads no. 5148). Patocka signed the violin on the inside of the back, partly over the label. Various details testify to great craftsmanship. Such as the sharp and elegantly cut F-holes and the beautiful, soft deep red varnish. The violin has a wonderfully brilliant, powerful sound suitable for the advanced and professional violinist.

Benjamin Patocka took over the business from his teacher Metelka in 1888 and settled in Jicin in 1894. He made fine and accurate copies of Stradivarius and Guarneri and used his own soft spirit varnish with appropriate colours. He used beautiful wood for his instruments. His work received frequent  recognition; he has one gold, one silver and two bronze medals and several diplomas (source: Brompton's book of Violin and Bowmakers/Die Geigen und Lautenmacher vom Mittelalter bis zut Gegenwart).

Rental price: 35 euro per month

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