Renting a violin
Forte Violen is specialized in the rental of handmade atelier and master instruments. The violins can be tried out in Oosterbeek, near Arnhem. If you would prefer us to send you a violin then please complete this form. You can find the rental agreement and rental conditions here.
We have violins in sizes 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 4/4. If you are wondering which size is the right one for you then look here. You can switch to a larger instrument with us at no extra cost. Please see our current range of children's violins under ‘children's violins’.
Collect or Shipping
We prefer you to collect the violin. You can then try out different violins. It is also possible to have it sent (the shipping costs are 11 euros in The Netherlands). If you want to have the violin shipped, payment for the first rental period must have been received. We would also like to receive a copy/photo of your ID. Read on this site of the Rijksoverheid how to safely make a copy of your ID.
You can cancel monthly (by email). The minimum rental period is one month.
Complete set
You rent a complete set from us. Bow, case and shoulder rest are included in the rental price. The violins are equipped with quality strings (Pirastro tonic or similar) and Wittner tailpiece.
Violins up to 2000 euros are automatically insured. For violins above 2000 euros you are expected to take out insurance yourself (we can advise you on this).
The rental prices vary from 18 euros per month to 50 euros per month. The rental price is indicated in the description of the violin in question. Are you renting the violin and would you like to purchase it? You will then receive the first 6 months of rent paid as a discount on the purchase price. A beautiful sound contributes to the playing pleasure and motivation of (young) violinists. We, therefore, only rent good quality hand-built instruments from Europe.
Any Questions?
Please contact us by telephone or email.
In summary:
For the range and prices see the page violins and the description of the violin
Violinbow, case and shoulder rest included in rental price
Insurance included for violins up to 2000 euros
Flexible, can be canceled per month (minimum rental period is 1 month)
Easy, maintenance included
If you buy the violin you get a discount (first 6 months of paid rent)
Note: Renting an instrument or bow is only possible within the Netherlands. For shipment outside the Netherlands the instrument must be purchased. Our 30-day test period gives you the opportunity to try out the violin and, if you are not completely satisfied, return the violin.
Hire purchase?
The purchase price of a good violin is quite an investment. Since violinists regularly ask us about the possibilities of hire purchase, we also offer this option. After a down payment (20% of the purchase price), you pay the violin in 24 monthly installments (3.5% of the purchase price). After 2 years, the violin is yours and you will have paid a total of 104% of the purchase price.
Below is an example calculation of a violin worth 2000 euros.
1st month 20%: 400,-
months 1 to 24 3.5%: 70.00 each month
Total paid: 2080,-
Bow rental
Renting and hire purchase of a bow is also possible. You will find the rental price for each bow in the details