Dr. Gerrit Jan van Leeuwen, 1908

Dr. Gerrit Jan van Leeuwen, 1908


This violin was rented out for 2 years and is now back in our range. Dutch master violin built in 1908 in Leeuwarden. According to label after first opus series. The violin is beautifully built. Finely grained spruce wood has been used for the top. The inlays are sharp and precise, this also applies to the f-holes. Characteristic of this violin is the very narrow curvature of the top and bottom. The beautiful, transparent red/gold oil lacquer gives the instrument a refined character. The two-piece back is made of balanced flamed maple. This beautiful Dutch violin is suitable for professional use, with its powerful, open and clear sound (sound clip below).

Doctor, honorary doctor of philosophy and violin maker. Also experimented with his own style. Won a silver medal for tone in Brussels in 1910. (source: Brompton's book of Violin and Bowmakers).

Rental price: 35 euros per month

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